Field Unitisation and Equity Redetermination
Field Unitisation
JHMA has advised on field unitisation in areas including North Sea, Egypt, East Africa, South America and South-East Asia.
Work on over ten unitisation projects has focussed on:
- Drafting and review of Unit Operating Agreements including redetermination procedures
- Technical evaluation including Basis of Determination
- Strategic advice
- Negotiation representation
- Geological study input; peer review and audit.
Equity Redetermination Expert
Expert roles in over a dozen field redeterminations in areas including offshore UK, Norway, Canada and SE Asia.
Over 25 Years’ experience:
- Project management/team coordination
- Compiling and editing Expert decisions
- Reservoir geological evaluation
- Peer review and audit.
JHMA has chosen to undertake Expert roles through RPS Energy (previously Scott Pickford); the most recent project being in 2016.
Equity Redetermination Advisory Services
Upcoming redetermination project yet don't have specific experience within your team?
JHMA is a recognised specialist in redetermination-related work, has extensive experience over 25 years (e.g. UK, Norway, Algeria) and is very familiar with the special requirements of redetermination studies. JHMA can provide:
- Equity defence: strategic and procedural advice for Owners' own work programmes
- Help in Expert selection
- Design, co-ordination and authoring of submissions, presentations and rebuttal documents to other unit interest owners or to Expert.
Depending on project requirements, work has been undertaken by JHMA as contract holder, as part of a field owners’ team or in association with other consultancy groups.
Technical Dispute Resolution
Resolution of matters such as cross-boundary hydrocarbon migration has much in common with field redetermination.
Most of the Expert field redetermination projects and dispute resolutions in which JHMA has been involved remain confidential.
However, it is a matter of public record that John Martin was – with other technical specialists – individually appointed as an Expert to the Court of Appeal, The Netherlands, in a complex matter concerning the offshore Logger Field.
- Work started in 2008 and the Experts’ Final Report was delivered to the Court some 15 months later.
Workshop in Unitisation and Field Redetermination
Over 30 years’ experience in unitisation and redetermination forms the basis for our modular practical workshop offered to client teams and particularly useful as a project kick-off event.